Behind the Zines season 1 features weekly zine readings by queer zine makers. Featuring zines by Kaitlin Chan, Seleena Daye, Rachael House, Eva Monxy, Natasha Natarajan, Kel Karpinski, Sam Orchard, Harry Josephine Giles, Melissa John-Charles, Jogett, Maddy Court, and Power Makes us Sick.

If you’ve enjoyed any of these zine readings please support the work of Queer Zine Library so that we can continue to pay zine makers and create new episodes in future.

Episode 1: 性/別 - Kaitlin Chan

Episode 2: Happy alone and other stories - Seleena Daye

Episode 3: Red hanky panky #10 - Rachael House

Episode 4: I found a way to make you cry - Eva Monxy

Episode 5: FML comics - Natasha Natarajan

Episode 6: The ghosts of Times Square - Kel Karpinski

Episode 7: Family Portraits - Sam Orchard

Episode 8: Living in the aftermath - Joggitt

Episode 9: “Some Definitions” - Harry Josephine Giles

Episode 10: Hold me, Keira Knightley: A zine about loving period dramas (when yr also queer and/or poc) by Melissa. Featuring a poem by Alice Godliman.

Episode 11: Building towards an autonomous trans healthcare - Power Makes Us Sick

Episode 12: The ex-girlfriend of my ex-girlfriend is my ex-wife - Maddy Court

Thanks for watching season 1 of Behind the Zines. Queer Zine Library is un-funded and volunteer-run. Please help us continue our programme by supporting Queer Zine Library.